Scrotal Urethrostomy
Canine Urethral Obstruction from Urinary Stones
Sometimes, bladder stones can exit the bladder and become lodged in the penile urethra of male dogs.

What is the goal of a Scrotal Urethrostomy?
The goal of Scrotal Urethrostomy is to bypass the urethral obstruction by creating an opening in a wider area of the urethra before the obstruction in the penis. In dogs, the best location to open the urethra is in the area of the scrotum because the urethra is wider and less likely to bleed than other areas.
How is a Scrotal Urethrostomy procedure done?
In essence, the surgical procedure reroutes the urinary plumbing so that urine exits the body before the clogged area. If the dog is intact, they are first neutered, then the scrotal skin is removed and the underlying urethra is opened and sutured to the skin edge to create a new exit for urine. The penis and offending stones are left in place because urine now exits the body before reaching this obstructed site.
What are the risks of a Scrotal Urethrostomy?
Possible complications of Scrotal Urethrostomy include dehiscence (breakdown of suture closure), stricture (scar tissue narrowing the new opening over time), and infection. Because the new opening is closer to the bladder, dogs are at a higher risk of developing a urinary tract infection in their life after surgery.
For more information about this, go here.
Your dog must wear an e-collar at all times for at least 14 days after surgery. The e-collar should not be removed, until the surgical site is evaluated for appropriate healing by a veterinarian.
Exercise restriction for 2 weeks: no off-leash activity allowed, no play, no jumping on/off furniture
Do not touch the surgical site, any blood clots on the surgical site should be left in place to avoid trauma to the surgical site with cleaning.
Blood may be in the urine or bleed from the surgical site for 7-10 days after surgery due to the rich blood supply to the area.
Pain medication will be prescribed, and antibiotics may be described if a UTI is present or suspected
Antibiotics may be prescribed if a urinary tract infection is suspected.
Sutures are absorbable and do not need to be removed
Prescription urinary diet will be prescribed based on the results of stone analysis
Bladder culture results are typically back in 2-4 days from surgery.
Stone analysis results are typically back within 2 weeks from surgery.
Depending on the patient and type of stone, some pets will continue to make urinary stones. It is important to continue the recommended diet and any medications based on the results of the stone analysis.